
Unless otherwise indicated, copyright in this website and the information contained in it including any designs, text, graphics, content, tables and images belong to Stramit Corporation Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. Any use of the materials on this website, including reproduction, modification, distribution or republication, in whole or in part, in any form or medium, without written permission of Stramit Corporation Pty Ltd is prohibited.



While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, Stramit Corporation Pty Ltd (Stramit) cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions or defect.

As product specifications may change without notice, you should always contact an authorised Stramit dealer for the most up-to-date information. Stramit reserves the right to revise the contents of this website at any time without reference to you.

All information is provided as a general guide only. Before application in a particular situation, Stramit recommends that you obtain qualified expert advice confirming the suitability of product(s) and information in question for the application proposed. While Stramit accepts its legal obligations, be aware however that to the extent permitted by law, Stramit disclaims all liability (including liability for negligence) for all loss and damage resulting from the use of the information provided in this website. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Stramit disclaims all representations and warranties, express or implied in relation to Stramit product, provision of Stramit product or this website. Stramit does not warrant that this website will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error free..